Friday, October 19, 2007

Cute photos!

So, at the risk of boring you with in-depth stores of how to approach rehabilitation in different species, I'll just stick up some nice pictures instead!

The baby spider monkey, immediately after arrival - more of her in the next post!

Juvenile spider monkey doing his favourite thing

Jaguar! This is at neighbouring Peten Zoo, not at ARCAS - ours is smaller

Margays -I'm looking after these at the moment

White tailed deer - part of a breedding programme

Bedroom company

Baby crocodile - still need feeding by hand

Juvenile kinkaju - just moved to a larger enclosure so we don't have to take him climbing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pics are much better than the ones we took at Chester Zoo last weekend.

When you're there helping the animals is it bad form to squash scorpions in your living quarters?