Sunday, January 16, 2005

All the gear ...

…and no idea.

I think it was the philosopher H.D. Thoreau who said “Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes”. I’m worried.

I leave tomorrow morning for London Heathrow, courtesy of the Mum and Dad taxi service. I’m flying British Airways to Madrid at 18.50 then Madrid to Santiago, Chile, at 23.45 with Lan Chile. I’ve got my first 3 nights booked in a popular (I hope) hostel in Santiago, so I can get over the 15 hour flight.

Hannah (my girlfriend) headed back home to Weymouth this afternoon, the last time I’ll see her until she joins me in Peru in July. That’s 6 months away and we’ve only been going out for 5 but we seem to make a good team and hopefully it will stay that way.

Below is a photo of all the gear that I’m taking – it weighs 18.6kg I think – and that I have to cram into my rucksack. A lot of items have fallen by the wayside (my down sleeping bag, tent, multifuel stove, lots of clothes) to try and make it lighter. I’ll probably ditch the sleep mat and gas stove at some point too. You can’t escape technology though, as the USB cable and camera battery charger have made it in!

At the moment I’m feeling a lot of trepidation and excitement, and looking forward to settling into life as a gringo. My biggest fear is that I won’t meet other travellers when I’m out there, which I think is just a bit of paranoia on my part. I’ll let you know.

1 comment:

jen mickelborough said...

walking boots, trainers AND sandles? ah, but then I remember pictures of your feet from the BC trip and the cadbury's flake award for flakiest feet. anyway, have a great time bro - looking forward to seeing the latest on this site... jen x